SOS Life Coaching

You’re doing a great job and you’ve made a lot of progress on your own, but there’s something holding you back or weighing heavily on you right now.

Work with me on the area that needs attention so you can remove the roadblock, reach your goals, and live the life you deserve!

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you - Ralph Waldo Emerson quote

Coaching À La Carte

Pay by the hour and get focused coaching on your specific needs.

Gain clarity on a decision, quiet your mind’s chatter, find peace amidst a troubling relationship, or eliminate a mental pain point.

This is my pay-by-the hour option. There’s no curriculum or program.

I’m here for you.

Whatever you need — the hour is yours.

In our coaching sessions you will:

  • Gain clarity and confidence

  • Identify and remove obstacles and blocks to your success

  • Create clear action steps to move forward toward your goal

  • Establish habits you need to start implementing immediately

Click the link to get started

How it Works:

  1. Click the link below to purchase the number of hours you want

  2. Send me an email or fill out the questionnaire on the Contact page with your hopes or goals for our session(s)

  3. I’ll respond via email so we can schedule the Zoom call(s)

  4. Show up to the call and be prepared to take notes!

One Hour Life Coaching Session

What’s Included:

  • One-hour coaching session on a topic of your choice

  • Summary email after our session

Life Coaching for Mompreneurs

Some Popular Topics:

  • Time Management/Productivity

  • Health/Self Care

  • Relationships

  • Money

  • Influence/Courage

  • Mindset

Let’s Get Started!

SOS Life Coaching (90 Minutes)
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“I am insanely grateful for Bethany’s guidance and all of the growth I have experienced with her help! After working with Bethany I am energized and more disciplined and intentional with my time and life. Bethany – you are the best!”


Client Testimonials

“I’m so glad I started working with Bethany! Before we worked together I was really frustrated because I just wasn’t reaching my health goals on my own. Bethany helped me stay accountable and I’ve been getting amazing results! Her confidence and positivity have been tremendously helpful!”


“As a homeschooling mom of 5 kids 7 years old and under, I have my hands full. Bethany’s support has been invaluable! With her help my days have gone from overwhelming chaos to a manageable, enjoyable rhythm. I still have my hands full, but now I make time for myself and I feel peace at the end of the day. I highly recommend working with Bethany!”