• I work with mompreneurs because:

    1) As an ambitious mompreneur myself, I understand the challenges of juggling the work goals with the hamster-wheel responsibilities that come with balancing all the roles of the working mom life. I understand the struggle of maintaining a healthy work/mom/self-care balance, and I know what it takes.

    2) Working with business moms is exciting and energizing. Their impact is exponential, because their vision of the future and passion for a better life includes not only themselves, but their children and everyone's children around the world. It is truly inspiring!

  • You must invest in yourself because:

    • You are valuable and what you have to offer the world is valuable. Since there is only one you, no one else can give the world what you have.

    • Your brain is your biggest asset.

    • You deserve better relationships, health, confidence, and productivity.

    • You deserve to live a full and charged life . . . achieve your potential and purpose . . . become your best self.

    Whether you do it here with me or not, do it! For yourself and because your kids are watching.

    Here is a quote I really love.

    “Don't die with your music still in you. Don't die with your purpose unfulfilled. Don't die feeling as if your life has been wrong. Don't let that happen to you.”

    Wayne Dyer

  • If you’re concerned about the time commitment I want to challenge your thinking.

    Right now you’re on a bicycle. You’re working very hard and not getting anywhere fast. Getting coaching is like stopping, getting off the bike, getting into a car, programming the GPS so that you know exactly where you want to go, and getting there a lot faster than if you had stayed on the bicycle.

    I’m in the car.

    I’m ready when you are.

    Let’s go!

  • High performance means developing the behaviors and mindsets that help you succeed beyond standard norms consistently over the long-term while maintaining positive well-being and relationships.

    High performance is not about working harder or for more hours. It's not only for those in business or for Olympic athletes...although it helps them in the same ways it helps a new mom, a college student, a CFO, a dancer, or an engineer. In other words, it's for anyone.

  • Certified High Performance Coaching is a science-backed, results-oriented, proven coaching curriculum that focuses on empowering questions, development of supportive habits, creation of success-helpful mindset, and use of specific outcome-based tools to help clients reach their next level of success in all areas of their lives. The program includes 12 core sessions.

    Certified High Performance Coaching is nothing like “life coaching,” which is client-driven rather than outcome-driven. That’s one reason why clients report such high levels of satisfaction with Certified High Performance Coaching programs—they get results.

  • Certified High Performance Coaching is the first and only science-backed, high performance-based coaching program in the world.

    Brendon Burchard, the High Performance Institute researchers, and graduates from the Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program at the University of Pennsylvania developed a scale, called the High Performance Indicator (HPI), to measure the factors that matter most in predicting individual high performance as defined as long-term success.

    The HPI was used in the largest and most comprehensive high performance study ever conducted on what creates and sustains success in the long run, and the Certified High Performance Coaching curriculum is based on this study.

    If you're interested, you can read the full study HERE

    From this data, the High Performance Institute determined the 6 key habits that, when practiced every day, can significantly impact things like:



    Satisfaction with life


    And more.

    The 6 key habits that the study determined to help people achieve life-long success are:

    Seek Clarity

    Generate Energy

    Raise Necessity

    Increase Productivity

    Develop Influence

    Demonstrate Courage

    Interestingly, many people cut themselves off from succeeding in life and business because they believe it is out of their reach. But this same research study concluded that High Performance is NOT strongly correlated with:









    Years of experience


    So anyone can be a high achiever. There are no legitimate excuses, only habits anyone can develop, even YOU!

  • Yes! In fact, the High Performance Institute—the same organization that certified me as a CHPC—sought proof of such satisfaction and teamed with a third-party company to track 37,603 CHPC sessions in 173 countries delivered by CHPCs. Here's what they discovered: The average client satisfaction rating for Certified High Performance Coaching was 9.6 out of 10—the highest score ever recorded for any multi-month coaching program.

  • As a Certified High Performance Coach, I work with you in five key areas:

    • Clarity

    • Energy

    • Courage

    • Productivity

    • Influence

    The most successful people in every area of life and work have developed a command of these five areas.

    To help you do the same, our sessions aim to help you master your:

    • psychology

    • physiology

    • productivity

    • persuasion

    • purpose

    • presence

    Certified High Performance Coaching description of each of the 12 weeks:

    Session 1:


    The goal of this session is to discover where you currently focus your attention, what level of agency or control you currently feel in your life, and what habits help you perform at your highest level and which ones hinder you from reaching high performance.

    Session 2:


    The goal of this session is to understand where you have strengths and gaps in the amount of clarity you experience in life. We work to create a clear vision of your best self. To do so, we define who you want to be, how you want to interact with others, and what life principles and practices will make you most successful. This gives you immediate, behavioral-driven clarity and intentionality so you move forward more quickly.

    Session 3:


    In this session our goal is to understand how much energy you have each day and how to amplify it to higher levels so you have the vibrancy and stamina needed to achieve your goals and live a fully charged life. We strive to find ways for you to gain immediate improvements in the energy you feel and generate daily.

    Session 4:


    The goal of this session is to discuss where you feel you’ve been confident and courageous in life and in what situations you might be holding back or backing down.

    Session 5:


    The goal of this session is to see how productive and effective you feel in life and work and to give you a set of tools and concepts to help you quickly and easily improve those areas. The focus is on helping you immediately become more effective and productive every day.

    Session 6:


    The goal of this session is to gauge how influential you’ve felt in your relationships and career. You'll receive a few tools and learn concepts that will raise your level of action and immediately help you become more influential in your relationships and career.

    Session 7:


    At this half way point we begin to delve deeper into the six pillars of high performance: your psychology, physiology, persuasive skills, presence, and purpose.

    The goal of this session is to develop a free, consciously-directed, positively engaged mind. Simply said, you learn how to create a high-performance mindset.

    Session 8:


    The goal of this session is to check on your energy and physiology work from Session 3. You recieve more tools to help you activate your physiology in ways that make you feel even stronger and more vibrant and that help you gain even more energy.

    Session 9:


    The goal of this session is to review how productive you have been since we began working together so we can look at the ways in which you can become even more effective. We look carefully at how you can cut out distracting activities and, in this way, level up your ability to reach your goals.

    Session 10:


    In this session we gauge how persuasive and influential you’ve felt in your relationships and career and target areas in which you can be more persuasive. You will learn tools to help you improve your level of persuasion so you make a positive impact.

    Session 11:


    At this point, we deep dive specifically into the topic of purpose for the first time, although this pillar of high performance underlies much of the work we have done to date. This session focuses on gauging how well you have been living and leading in a purposeful manner.

    Session 12:


    In this final session we check in on your performance and define your best areas for commitment and discipline moving forward. These are your next steps to continue your journey to achieve your potential and fulfill your purpose. This process is a commitment every day of your life that results in heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential.

  • The truth is the more time you put in the more you will get out, however here is the answer you really want:

    • 1 hour a week for a coaching call is required.

    • You will receive a worksheet after each session and I recommend you work on it for 5-10min a day.

    • If you want to have an amazingly productive and focused week you will need to establish a weekly planning time. You’ll learn about this in my productivity course materials. It takes one 1-2 hour focus block a week.

    • Lastly, during our sessions we will agree on various “Action Steps” for you to take or accomplish that week. You will incorporate these into your life easily because they are things you want to start doing or accomplish, so they won’t feel like extra work, they will feel like progress.

  • I have coached women who have experienced trauma, who struggle with their ADHD, as well as women with anxiety and depression who were also seeing a therapist and on medication for their mental health challenges. I’ve coached women with physical health issues and mothers with children who have health conditions, disabilities and impairments.

    I’m not a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any kind of -ist. I’m very supportive of my clients seeing therapists, taking medications, or whatever they know is best for them. I do not have an agenda to stop these practices.

    But please know that I have no specific training on trauma, ADHD, or mental health therapy. I do not claim to be the best help for people with severe trauma or mental health issues. I’m a coach. I accept people where they are today no matter how they got to me. I see their potential and believe in them. I teach, motivate, and challenge my clients to move forward, not look back; to be who they want to be, not who they have been.

    Your past does not define or dictate your future. Your past, whether “good” or “bad” in your mind, was a gift that made you who you are and taught you many things. Your time with me is not therapy. I will not dig into it or try to understand why it happened. My role is to see you as you are now and guide you to where you want to go, who you want to be, and what you want to do next.

  • I get paid to help my clients see results and my goal is to have thrilled clients. I assure you, if you do your homework and are committed to the program, you are guaranteed to see results!

    But if you are doing your homework and do not feel like you’re seeing results we will discuss it and I’ll make sure you are happy!

Ready to get started?